Demonic Tetris

Demonic Tetris is a story about Tetris... BUT IT'S SCARY! DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN!!!!!

How it happened

One day, I was in college. I was in my dormitory. I was unpacking my stuff. I then found my old Game Boy Advance SP from 1996, that I hadn't played in a long time. Inside it was Tetris, a game I didn't have. I shrugged it off. I started to play Tetris, paying no attention to my friend getting launched by a tornado and my girlfriend getting kidnapped. On the Title Screen it said: Tetris. copyright the devil 666. I shrugged it off, thinking it was a prank. So, at 6:00 I was still playing, when I got a score of 6 on level 6 (I don't understand how). Then, all of a sudden the game turned into Super Monkey Ball 2, a game which wasn't supposed to be playable on the Game Boy and wasn't even made at the time of the game's release, which I know when because I'm a wizard. But this wasn't any Super Monkey Ball 2. It was a level that wasn't in the game. It was a level in HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Then I got to the end of the level and the screen turned to white. It said, "You shouldn't have done that." And then, It put me into World 8 of Super Mario Bros 3. I played through until the final boss. But it wasn't Bowser. It was Satan. A text box appeared saying, "Hahaha! You are a fool Joe! Yes I know your name! I know everybody's name!" I was scared because it knew my name. "You have gotten to the final boss! Now you must defeat me, John Romero! Just kidding, you must defeat me, Lucifer the Satan!" And the final battle began.
Satan launched 3 fireballs that went around the room. I had to dodge them all, and I finnaly got to Satan. I jumped on his head, and then I repeated this 2 times. Finally, phase 2 began. I was running along a pathway chasing Satan, Sonic Heroes style. He kept launching fireballs at me, and he would have this attacked where he launched a pitchfork. All this happened while there were different brick formations coming towards me and I would have to platform over them. When he was down to 1 hit, he would break every other platform, and I had to jump across the gaps. Finally I defeated him. Satan said, "Hahaha! You have defeated me, and now you get your reward. And then, a hand reached out of my Gameboy, and pulled me into World 8! DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!